Hi, my name is Becca.
I am an experienced teacher of Art & Design, Textiles and photography, as well as parent to two boys at Avanti. Creative makers is an Art focused afterschool and holiday club that is an opportunity for your child to experience more art focused activities.
Termly after school sessions
Each session and term will focus on artists that work in a variety of different mediums and students will create a range of outcomes that are inspired by the artists work as well as learning about the artists and their context. Students might be painting, drawing, sculpting, collaging, or printing. By booking into the club you give permission for the club leader to collect your children at the end of school and take them to the club.
Art camps
Each school holiday I run full day Art camps between 9am and 3pm. On these days students will explore artists and create work inspired by them. They will also work in groups to create paintings, sculptures or larger installations. At the end of each day all students will creative work to bring home. Each day is a fresh project, so you can attend one or all of the camps and still have a fresh and unique experience.